Lots of Art
Starting with the name his parents gave him at birth, Art Root seemed to be destined for the tattoo industry. “Everyone always asks me if ‘Art’ is a nickname, but it’s my real name,” he said. As a master tattoo artist and owner of Lots of Art Tattoo Shop, Art Root has the perfect name for the job.
Root’s tattoo experience started when he was just 13 years old. “Back in those days, it wasn’t readily available to just anyone,” said Root. “I had to make my own equipment and find a way to build a tattoo machine.”
Call him the MacGyver of tattoos. Root used a toothbrush, a lead pencil, a Walkman motor, an adapter from an old Atari game station, and a guitar string for a needle to create his first tattoo machine.
After buying ink from Low Tide Tattoo, he brought the machine to his cousin’s house to test his invention.
“He had friends over, and everyone was excited that we had a tattoo machine,” remembered Root. One of his cousin’s friends started a tattoo but was unable to finish it. They asked Root to complete the piece.
“That’s when I picked it up,” he said. “I did it, went home, and tattooed this heart on my arm … I just got hooked after that.”
Since that day, Root strived to learn more about the art of tattooing. He eagerly practiced his techniques on his friends, who were willing to be blank canvases for his artwork.
Root also studied the techniques of Harv Angel, owner and main tattoo artist of Low Tide Tattoo. “Harv Angel is an iconic legend here on Guam,” he said. “If it wasn’t for him, I probably wouldn’t be so inspired.”
His observations were not part of an official apprenticeship but a secret one. “I would sneak in, watch him from the corner, and stay there half the day just watching him,” said Root. “I was so short so I don’t think he could see me from behind the counter…it was just my eyeballs peeking out,” he said with a laugh.
The aspiring artist absorbed Angel’s methods and tried to apply them in his work. Of course, the results were not always the same, as Root was using a homemade machine.
At 17 years old, Root purchases his first piece of professional tattoo equipment. His career as a tattoo artist was put on hold when he joined the military in 1995, but it wasn’t long before he returned to his passion. “I came back after basic training, and that’s when I wanted to continue to do it,” said Root. The local artist opened Lots of Art Tattoo in 1996.
Always seeking growth and improvement, Root took on multiple apprenticeships with notable master tattoo artists in the U.S. mainland. His journey led him to master artist Joe Kaplan in New York.
“I went there and he said that there’s really nothing he can show me except for the fundamentals behind the actual tattooing,” said Root. The fundamentals include dealing with health issues, sanitation, and sterilization, he said.
In the process of attending the required 12-hour training and seminars, Root gained the opportunity to work side by side with legendary artists in the business. He specifically remembers working with Chris Garver, a tattoo artist featured on the TLC reality television show Miami Ink.
“He’s a tall, skinny guy, and he had hair at that time,” recalled Root. “He was really young, we were all young … we were both in our early 20s.” Garver is now considered one of the best tattoo artists in the world.
Though Root had the opportunity to establish his career in the U.S. mainland, he chose to return to Guam. “I wanted to bring what I learned back home,” he said. “I wanted to showcase the work here on Guam so when people go elsewhere, they can be proud of the quality work they had done here.”
But decided to become a local artist did not stop Root from gaining world-renowned recognition. He was determined to become a master tattoo artist.
The Tattoo Mastery Certification Test is sponsored by the Alliance of Professional Tattooists Incorporated. The nonprofit education organization intends to address the health and safety issues facing the tattoo industry.
The minimum requirement for the prestigious title is 10 years of tattooing experience as a certified professional. In addition, other professionals in the field must also recommend the candidate.
“It’s an application process where they have to observe you and your work over the years,” he said. “You have to be a member of certain associations and you have to be involved.”
So far, he is the only artist in Guam who has accomplished this lifetime achievement.
Root has come a long way since the days of tattooing friends in his cousin’s backyard, but he remains humble and supportive of upcoming artists.
“I used to go to his shop and get tattoos from him,” said John “Rich” Quenga, a tattoo artist at Lots of Art. He always had a knack for drawing and started experimenting with tattoos. “I would come in looking for supplies, and he saw potential in me so he asked me if I wanted to learn more.”
It has been nearly 10 years since he first started working at Lots of Art, but he still has Art Root’s voicemail saved on his answering machine. “It’s an honor to have him ask me to work for him, so I saved the message on my machine,” he said.
Root also supports the tattoo community by purchasing local artists’ designs. “They’ll come in with their designs, and if he likes their original work, he’ll buy it,” said Rich.
The local artist never lost touch with his roots. Even after 16 years of professional tattoo experience, he still builds his tattoo machines from scratch.
“It’s kind of like an artist with a paintbrush … they know which brush to use to make a certain kind of stroke, a certain kind of effect,” he said. “I know the functions of the machine so I can build a machine-specific to what I need it to do.”
One thing will never change. Art Root will never stop seeking a challenge. “You asked me what kind of tattoos I like best,” said Root as he concentrated on perfecting the intricate tattoo lines of a deer in the wilderness. “I like the tattoos that make me sweat.”
Q&A with Art Root
Q: Where do you get inspiration for your designs?
A: Everything. To be honest, inspiration for designs comes from looking at the trees, looking at the cracks in the sidewalk. It’s odd and weird, but it’s true. Everything from little things you don’t focus on every day. If you take the time out and really look at something, you’ll find something in there that will really inspire you.
Q: What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your career?
A: My family. The time that I spend away from my family is a lot. There’s a lot of times I miss out on their games, I miss out on their activities and I’m stuck here. That’s the sacrifice when you become a professional tattoo artist. It’s not just putting ink on skin, but … balancing work and family life.
Q: Would you like your children to follow in your footsteps as a tattoo artist?
A: I can’t force any of them to do what they don’t want to do. Tattooing is an art form. You have to appreciate it and you have to want to do it in order to be food at it. If they do and they want to, that’s the blessings for me, but if they want to go out and be something else in the world then they have my support.
Q: How are you involved in the local community?
A: I try to donate gift certificates to medical fundraisers. I really wish I could do more, but I only have two hands. I also try to inspire little kids in art class. I go out to different schools and help with the education of art. It’s not about tattooing when I go there it’s about art.
Q: Does any specific tattoo you’ve done stand out to you?
A: I try to bluff my last tattoo. No offense to people out there who got work done from me (laughs), I love all your work, but it’s just every tattoo I do, I try to make it better than the last one.